Posted by: mariannedsouza | May 14, 2008

Importance of holiday camps

Holiday camps and play

We cannot under-estimate the importance of holiday camps. Holiday camps initiate play and motivate children to interact with each other. Out of School Care, an online search and booking service for parents looking for holiday camps, believes that children need to explore with their senses. This exploration starts as soon as the children get their hands on to something interesting. Holiday camps help improve a child’s concentration level. Enjoyable play can arise from continuous provision through an appropriately planned learning environment, or as adult-initiated special play experiences. Holiday camps focus on creating a well- resourced indoor and out-door learning environment, since it has been noticed that children return to and revisit things that were important to them that morning, the day before of the previous week.   


Holiday camps and children’s development

According to Out of School Care important life skills are learnt through play. Holiday camps help children to interact with each other and with adults as they run around, play team games and sports. It is at holiday camps that children learn to choose friends, be creative, adapt and develop new skills. Children learn to express a wide range of emotions at holiday camps, as holiday camps stimulate children to be expressive.


Benefits of holiday camps

Holiday camps purposefully designed indoor and outdoor games benefit children in a number of was. Stated here are just a few:

  • Holiday camps are known beyond reasonable doubt to lead to desired behaviour change in bringing about enhanced self-esteem and a sense of purpose, a reduction in offending behaviour, social inclusion and correction of eating disorders
  • Holiday camps lead to participants taking up an active sport on a regular basis
  • Holiday camps have a wide array of skills and techniques that help people to learn from the consequences of their actions, this helps in shaping values and attitudes eg: towards environmental conservation, considerateness towards others and self-improvement
  • Learning the skills of social interaction (making friendships)
  • Experiencing life away from parents/home (learning to become independent)
  • Enjoying a complete change, rest and relaxation


What can we conclude?

From this one can conclude that holiday camps are essential to a child’s growth and development. Every child need to be sent to a holiday camp as it is through play initiated by holiday camps that children learn many life skills the most important being, interaction with peers. The good play experiences that children have through holiday camps can turn a child into a well balanced grown up and prepare him/ her with the essential life skills needed to live a well balanced life.




· (Benefits of holiday camps the points have been taken and modified)



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